PodTech:Healey Fire Protection

June 24, 2007

Fire suppression takes longer to spell than new technologies take to extinguish a “thermal event” in a computer room. John Spalding from Healey Fire Protection, Inc., explains how Halon got a bad rap, and how new suppression agents kill fires faster and safer than ever before.

[podtech content=http://media1.podtech.net/media/2007/06/PID_011652/Podtech_Healey_Fire_Protection.flv&postURL=http://www.podtech.net/home/3411/healey-fire-protection&totalTime=174000&breadcrumb=dd26a999d4004204aff9a9ef92fbdb99]

PodTech:Free Software Choices

June 24, 2007

Kim Brand, CEO and founder of FileEngine, presents an overview of free Open Source Software at the Detroit ITEC conference. FileEngines use Novell\’s SuSE Linux as the foundation of their operating system, and Brand\’s service company supports Open Source in companies large and small, including schools, around the Indianapolis area.

[podtech content=http://media1.podtech.net/media/2007/06/PID_011651/Podtech_Free_Software_Choices.flv&postURL=http://www.podtech.net/home/3379/free-software-choices&totalTime=2489000&breadcrumb=88d7a1acd6434402ae940ce17f33f6d2]

PodTech:Spot Coolers

June 18, 2007

We all hate hot spots, but what about cold spots? Sometimes you need a way to cool down a hot spot in your small business. Greg Lawhorn from Spot Coolers explains why companies need spot cooling and how best to leverage a portable air conditioner.

[podtech content=http://media1.podtech.net/media/2007/06/PID_011650/Podtech_Spot_Coolers.flv&postURL=http://www.podtech.net/home/3367/spot-coolers&totalTime=183000&breadcrumb=6f753e4e3c274975b8dfb1f38fcf835c]

Feedback from Detroit Bloggers

June 17, 2007

I’ve been slightly disappointed that no reports of my ITEC speeches this year have appeared in blogs, but that changed in Detroit. Not one but two bloggers came to my keynote speech and reported on same. Luckily they both seemed to like what I had to say.

Check out reports from YaZug and Bill Gratsch. If you’re near Seattle or Indianapolis come see for yourself (June 20th and 27th respectively).

PodTech:Rack 101

June 17, 2007

The rack is a rite of passage. When a company buys a computer rack or cabinet they establish the importance of their systems and the need to better manage and protect computer assets. Michael Lucas, of Knurr Environments for Electronics (recently acquired by Emerson), explains what companies should look for when buying their first cabinet or their tenth.

[podtech content=http://media1.podtech.net/media/2007/06/PID_011574/Podtech_Rack_101.flv&postURL=http://www.podtech.net/home/3320/rack-101&totalTime=722000&breadcrumb=0b51aa1ae91247f79d16bb8ac668b319]

PodTech:Editor\’s Choice: Some insightful highlights of Tim Ferriss\’ interview

June 4, 2007

Robert Scoble interviews Tim Ferriss about his book, the Four Hour Work Week, and how he makes that happen in his life. 50 minute full interview available here.

[podtech content=http://media1.podtech.net/media/2007/06/PID_011485/Podtech_TimFerris_EditorsChoice.flv&postURL=http://www.podtech.net/home/3215/editors-choice-some-insightful-highlights-of-tim-ferriss-interview&totalTime=500000&breadcrumb=66bd484ccd54471d82be3287fae71c27]