Swag Shop Now Open

February 16, 2008

I’ve had multiple requests for t-shirts and assorted other swag with the Technology Is Broken logo. Now I proudly announce the opening of the Technology Is Broken Swag Shop, ready for business.

There are two slogans along with the Technolog Is Broken logo: “Cuss. Kick. Reboot.” is the first, while the second is “…and I know who to blame.”

If there are other items you’d like, let me know and I’ll set them up quickly. If you have other slogan ideas, let me know, and I’ll send you a free t-shirt or cap of your choice if I use your idea.

The goal here isn’t to take over the New York fashion world, but to have a little fun. This also makes it easy to get one or two t-shirts for giveaways when I make appearances.

Broken Technology Bling. I wonder if CafePress does gaudy jewelry?