Worst Web Host in the World: HostDepartment.com

How bad is this Web host, the host I have eight sites on? Trouble started on October 16th, when my Web sites and e-mail were down for the entire afternoon. Starting 10/21, service has been absolutely abysmal. E-mail down for days at a time. Web sites went down then, and are still down. E-mail up and down, but mostly down, every day since the 21st.

Do yourself a favor: always search for comments about any product or service you are considering buying before you put your money down. If you do that, you’ll see HostDepartment.com has an enormous number of negative comments. Add this one to the list.

You want broken technology? HostDepartment.com is the most broken technology since cassette drives as data storage devices on personal computers.

5 Responses to Worst Web Host in the World: HostDepartment.com

  1. I have heard a lot of bad things about these guys, sorry.. I know what a pain it is to have a site down.

  2. George says:

    According to my experiences since five years Host Department is the top Web Hosting Company they have good skills to solve the problems and the staff is very responsive and politely with the clients.
    Host Department is only one that matches to my Criterias it is number for me and no one will give you this kind of cheap and unlimited features with the best Service.

  3. Allan says:

    Host Department provides better service with affordable price, compare to other hosting companies HD is the best. I had some bad reviews about the Host Department especially about its downtime but I am not facing any kind of problem with Host Department they are also providing Instant Activations.

    I wish to thank Host Department for the Great Service most of the time I got quick response from their support team. Now they improved many things, since 4 years I am a Customer of Host Department and only once I faced downtime problem.

  4. Smith Aron says:

    Great Service, Excellent Price, Superb Network of Host Department. HD is only one that providing the huge plans at affordable price and it is one of the top Web Hosting Company. Host Department is good and they are providing good features and plans and the Customer Support is excellent.

    I am very thankful to their support team, Their Network Uptime is excellent but in the reviews they are saying the worst Network but I didn’t faced any problem with HD since past 1 year.

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